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Stuff This Puppy in Your Stocking

Digital Detangler

The holidays are rapidly approaching. If you know someone struggling with compulsive technology use who needs a guidebook to set some New Year's resolutions, this book is the one. It is packed with practical ideas about how to take back the life your smartphone stole all those years ago.

In Other News:

Digital Detangler recently released a digital mindfulness course on Insight Timer, the world's most popular meditation app. It contains 10 daily meditations designed to give you tools to interact more healthfully with your smartphone. Publishing something to a massive platform like Insight Timer has been a great and at some moments hilarious experience. Having folks from all over the world interacting with our content is exhilarating, even if they don't all love what we've done with a few of the meditations ("You shouldn't add distractions to a meditation. It's very distracting."). We're convinced the meditations are a bit like cilantro, it either makes everything better or you can't stand it. If you want a chance to check it out before buying into the course, here is a taste.

On November 20th, Pete told a story at Nashville's StorySlam in front of a packed house at the Basement East. Despite going last and almost having a panic attack the first nine times they didn't pull his name out of the hat, the judges were pleased and Pete was named a Moth StorySlam Champion! We're not sure when if ever we'll get a copy of the recording so best bet at this point is the start listening to the Moth podcast or radio show. This also means that Pete will be telling a story in several months at the next GrandSlam Moth event. Stay tuned for more details!


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